BREAKING NEWS: New restaurant coming downtown

I’m glad I volunteered at Hanover Middle today because if I hadn’t I might not have gone to the Famous downtown for lunch and if I hadn’t done that I wouldn’t have learned about the Hanover Hub.

That’s the name of the restaurant that will open in the old On the Go Cafe spot on York Street next to the McAlister Hotel in mid-July. I had heard some rumblings about this last week, but finally got the dirt today.

The restaurant will have wraps and burgers and other sandwiches while there will also be a cafe element with fancy coffees and teas. If things happen on schedule, they will be open before Dutch Days.

Downtown needed this news. With the closing of a few places and last week’s revelation that The Reader’s Cafe is for sale, a new shot of life can hopefully get the ball rolling in the right direction.

Author: Brian

2 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: New restaurant coming downtown

  1. if you are looking for so called fancy coffees and teas have you been to merlins coffee on franklin st they have been around for 9 years and roast their own coffees try them sometime

  2. I definitely go to Merlin’s once in a while. I tend to get my coffee “on the inside,” but enjoy stopping by there for a good cup when I have a chance.

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