First Try: Timeline Arcade




I had heard about this place, but didn’t realize the breadth of its awesomeness until I went to the mall on Sunday. I needed to swing by Radio Shack for something and also wanted to check out the sale at JC Penney. As I stepped out of the latter, I saw the arcade and stopped in my tracks.

In my head, I saw the old arcade down by Knobloch’s with a few old games and lots of those new multi-player games. Boy, was I wrong. I played Donkey Kong (albeit on one of those multi-game machines), Centipede and that shuffle bowling game with the disk you slide to try to hit the metal things. We played that for hours at one of our favorite bars in college. Maybe they couuld add a bar at the arcade.

That would be the kiss of death. I don’t know how much I like the system where you buy credits on a card instead of using coins, but that’s mainly because I didn’t feel like playing all the credits I bought and will probably lose the card before I go again if I haven’t already. Oh, and I didn’t see a swipe thing on the Qbert game, but didn’t look that hard so gave up and played Donkey Kong.

But those are really my problems more than those of the arcade. Maybe I just need to go there a lot more to work out those kinks. Yeah, that’s the best solution according to the 12-year-old who controls my brain.

Author: Brian

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